A day trip to one of Misaw’s fly-out destinations is a magical fishing experience! Our outfitter license includes a massive area of 16 lakes and rivers that we have the exclusive rights to fish. If you drew a rectangle in the far NE corner of Saskatchewan, our area would encompass 3,500 square miles. Some of these lakes have never been fished by sport fishermen! We highly recommend booking a few fly-outs during your stay to maximize your fishing experience. You won’t regret it!
We’re still exploring some of these virgin waters, but we’ve already experienced some huge success. Nunim Lake has already made a name for itself with a daily record of 268 fish (all over 30"), of which 41 were over 40"! Keesechewun Lake has produced a lot of trophy pike, as well as Goyer Lake which produced a 49.5” trophy the first day it was ever fished. Many of these fly-out lakes have lake trout as well, such as Many Islands Lake which is teeming with large trout.
Come join us and be among the first anglers to experience once-in-a-lifetime fishing on our new and untouched fly-out lakes.
$495 - $695
per person
Check out our exclusive fly-out lakes and rivers below. Click on the name of the lake to view a map of its location. If you have any questions about our one-day fly-outs, or would like to pre-book your fly-out, please give us a call. 1-833-466-4729
This lake has already produced "the best fishing day of my life!" stories from previous guests at Misaw. Giant pike are what guests are hunting here, and it won't disappoint. Every angler that has fished it says, "there are no small fish in that lake!”
Just a short flight to the west of Misaw is an incredible fishing opportunity. Keseechewan Lake is a large body of water and has recently produced some record-breaking days for anglers.
We have fished this lake a few times and it has consistently produced giant pike and lake trout. Just a short hop to the Northwest Territories and you will be on BIG fish all day.
This fast-flowing river enters Misaw Lake on the west side, exits at the south end, and then turns and flows north to Patterson Lake and beyond into the Northwest Territories. This river is famous for producing giant northern pike, lake trout, and grayling in the same locations throughout the season.
This lake is located just south of Misaw. It is part of the Schwandt River system and will play a major role in our future plans for fly-outs. Lucky anglers experienced this lake for the first time in 2019, and it didn’t disappoint! Many groups caught multiple trophy pike.
Kohn Lake is the furthest lake that we have to the south. Just a short float plane ride away, this lake is sure to be a gem in the future. Come join us and be one of the first anglers in the world to experience this untouched fishing location!
Not far from the Northwest Territories border to the west of Misaw Lake lies another untouched fishing destination. We look forward to testing out Hamill Lake in the near future.
True to its name, this long skinny lake has produced giant northern pike and lake trout in BIG numbers. If you’re looking for non-stop fishing action, you just might want to hit repeat on this one!
Bonokoski Lake has a unique shape and offers some potential portage lakes accessible by foot. This is a great opportunity for those especially adventurous anglers to try a few different lakes in one day.
This might be one of the lakes that we are the most excited to test! With four rivers coming in and out, and great structure, this is likely to be a hot spot for years to come.
Giant pike, lake trout, and grayling highlight this lake. There are big sets of rapids on the south end, and the Schwandt River flows in and out to the north on the border of the Northwest Territories.
Not much is known about this lake, which is part of the intrigue! But with a river flowing in and out there is sure to be good action on this virgin lake.
Just to the north of Wapiyao Lake is our furthest lake to the west – Wayow Lake - another virgin lake with a lot of potential.
This little beauty is just north of Bonokoski Lake and actually connected to it by a river. Anglers will have access to both lakes via portage.
There are a lot of promising features on this lake. We will be test fishing this lake soon – be one of the first guests to join us!